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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Even so Lord, Come soon...

Revelation 3:8, 10-11

I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name.

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

I am coming soon. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
- - -

Recently, I and many others have been taking stock of the mounting number of prophecies in play and in a head long rush to fulfillment, both well-known ones, as well as more obscure ones.

They are interwoven like cords in a rope, and give-and-take with each other. If a part of one seems without reference, you need only look to the others to find that piece of the puzzle.

Then you have others with no fulfillment yet, but their fulfillment is tied to the end days in some way either directly in the word, or at least by inference by context of the word and the reality of history.

Those notably in progress at the moment (but not an exhaustive list) are:

- Daniel 9
- Zechariah 12
- Psalm 83
- Obadiah 1
- Isaiah 66:6
- Isaiah 17
- Jeremiah 49
- Ezekiel 38-39
- Revelation 12:1-4

Other Prophecies in soon expectation are:

- Rebuilt Jewish Temple (Revelation 11:1-2)
- Ezekiel 29 (Desolation of Egypt and destruction of the Nile for 40 years)
- Woman in Labor pains prophecies:
   - Revelation 12:1-5
   - Isaiah 66:7-9
   - Isiah 26:16-21
   - many others with this "Woman in Labor" link
- Daniel 12:1-2
- Revelation 3:8-11

So, what's the take or the reason for this review of the state of play in Prophecy?

That would be:

John 14:29

And now I have told you before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe.

The first time Jesus says something like this was privately to the disciples in (John 13:19) in the context of preparing them for the hours to come with His betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.

(John 14:29) however is in the context of His return for them (and us) after He goes to the Father, for which we have waited nearly 2000 years so far.

This then establishes that everything Jesus prophesied is for the express purpose to encourage and edify the believer, and as confirmation and validation of our faith in Him. Secondarily, the events serve to present His prophecies to the unbeliever, as proof and as evidence, and a call to repentance and salvation.

The Spirit of God is prophecy, and so fulfilled prophecy witnesses to His authenticity, His existence as a reality, and His authority over time and space, and our need to change and submit to His will and not our own.

How wonderfully easy it is to be saved, if you only believe.

From the words of Christ Jesus, the simplicity is stated as "to believe in the Son whom the Father sent":

John 6:29

Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.

 - - - 

John 6:38-40

For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me.

And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day.

For it is My Father’s will that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.

This is reflected later on as well in the book of Acts and other epistles, such as (Acts 16:31) and Romans 10:8-10):

Romans 10:8b-10

That is, the word of faith we are proclaiming:

that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.

To believe in the Son is to not only believe He is who He says He is, but to Trust in Him also, to put aside our wills and desires and submit to His will.

The great thing is that Salvation is eternal and cannot be lost. Once you are saved, you are Justified by His sacrifice, and all your sin debt is paid in full, past present and future. You now are inescapably in His hands, and no one can snatch you from His hands (John 10:27-30). This "no one" includes yourself.

His Spirit is within us, as a seal and a promise for the final day of full redemption (John 14:26, Ephesians 4:30). 

This is why it's "Good News". Nothing YOU can or could do, earns or maintains it (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Once you have been saved and Justified, you are now a work in progress for Christ in your life until death or rapture.

This process is called Sanctification. And this will be a constant part of your life as you mature as a Christian. This work done in your life is not your own, but Christ working within you, and the loss that can be suffered here is not that of Salvation (1 Corinthians 3:10-15), but that of opportunity in allowing Him to work through you. He will finish His work also (Philippians 1:5-6).

And best of all, when He comes back for us, whether by Resurrection or by Rapture, we will be Glorified in Him, and receive new heavenly bodies (1 Corinthians 15:51-55). We will be just as He is.

1 Corinthians 15:51-55

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

“Where, O Death, is your victory?

Where, O Death, is your sting?”

- - -

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.

By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.

Therefore encourage one another with these words.

- - -

1 John 3:2-3

Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed.

We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.

And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.

- - -

2 Corinthians 5:1-2

Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is dismantled, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

For in this tent we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling...

- - -

1 Corinthians 13:12

Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

- - -

Titus 2:13 we await the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

So, I saved the best for last, seeing how THIS is our promise and our goal, and not just simply being saved. We are destined for eternity in the spirit.

Coming full circle, Prophecy is for us and for the unbeliever. The reminder that He is and always will be, and that we have our future in Him.

If you are not yet a believer, I challenge you to make a decision today and call upon Him.

Romans 10:9-13

If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.

It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” 

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

The stakes are high. Eternity with God, or eternity without Him in desolation, suffering, and despair.

I pray you make that choice now. Call upon Him, do not wait another minute, tomorrow is promised to no one. After death it is too late.

The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Well it is now post-Hurricane Helene, with all the mess she created in Florida and to the East of me here in Tennessee, in the Carolina's and other states. We here in middle Tennessee are fine, but many others are not.

We are blessed to be delivered not only from the storm as it cartwheeled around the state of Tennessee, but our month-long summer drought was broken by the rain we have been given. I thank God for his deliverance and his provision.

I have found myself with a break in routine for winter prep, and some time to afford toward continuing a series of blog entries from conversations I have had with fellow believers, so as to share them with many others besides just those who had the conversation in private.

I have always felt and believed that Answers from the Word, Belong to Everyone.

The Origins of Evil and of Sin

So, with that, today's blog entry will, once again, be from my good friend Rohit in India.

Rohit had asked me for some assistance on a project of his, and these questions came up on these two topics that we thought should have expounded biblical answers to, from the word, and not just the opinion or stance of another person.

I will approach this as always, from the inerrant word, and rely very much on Root Word meanings, Context, Typology, and the Illustrative use of parable like language, to gain the deeper and more accurate meanings. We lose so much in English, be it the kings English or Modern.

The two questions are these, the origin of Sin, and the origin of Evil, with the desire for clarification of (who?) and (how?) for details.

They are presented as such:

1.) There is only ONE Creator.

    • Why did God create sin?

    • If God didn’t create sin, then we did?

    • Or Satan did?

2.) Why does the church say God did not create evil, when he himself claims that he did in:

              • (Isaiah 45:7)

              I form the light and create the darkness;
              I bring prosperity and create
calamity [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil].

              I, the LORD, do all these things.

              • (Lamentations 3:38)

              Do not both adversity [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil] and good
              come from the mouth of the Most High?

              • (Amos 3:6)

              If a ram’s horn sounds in a city,
              do the people not tremble?

              If calamity [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil] comes to a city,
              has not the LORD caused it?

- - -

Now, before we answer these we need a correct and unilaterally accepted definition of each.

First, Sin, is defined as both a noun or a verb with:

1.) State of Being

   • A condition in which the heart is corrupted and inclined toward evil.

   • Disobedience or rebellion against God.

   • Independence from God.

   • Missing the mark of God's holy standard of righteousness.

2.) Descriptive of a Bad Act or Rebellious Choice or Thought

    • An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law:

   • A failure to do what is right.

   • Offense against people, violence, and lovelessness.

   • Rebellion against God.

   • Transgression of God's law.

- - -

Next, Evil is defined in two ways both as an adjective and a verb:

1.) State of Being 

   • Deliberate choice to go against God’s will and indulge in sinful behaviors

   • Opposition to God and God’s goodness

   • Profoundly immoral and wicked

   • Lawlessness

   • Describing an immoral or wicked act

2.) Descriptive of a Bad or Desperate Crisis situation

   • Calamity or Adversity [in Hebrew H7451 - ra - Bad, evil]

   • Interpretation of bad situations of adversity or natural calamities as “evil

     (IE: "In that evil day", "for the days are evil", "the lesser of two evils")

- - -

Now that we have all that standardized between us, I want to expand on "Sin" for a minute in the biblical perspective taking from the viewpoint of "missing the mark", which is an archery concept in the original languages, IE: missing the target.

God is absolute, and all righteous, and anything not reaching the standards He meets at all times is "Short of the Mark" and therefor sinful. Sin can be used as a term to describe an action or inaction against that standard. And we see from the word that any sin, however small, is missing the Mark (or the 100% standard). Scripture echoes this with "even one law broken means all law is broken" and "all have fallen short of the Glory".

No wonder then, that we can never be justified in our own strength and acts to what it takes to be 100%. And why God had to do it for us, and then apply it to us in the only way He could.

It is here that the realization of the tremendous gift we have been given by His Grace and Mercy shouts the loudest!

Allow me, for a moment, to rant a bit on this topic at hand. In my earlier years, I was always vexed heavily by the tyrannical preacher flinging out guilt bombs with the word "Sin or Sinner" with a dictatorial judgement of another in comparison. The often heard "scare them out of hell" with fear speech always made me cringe and stoked my ire.

If they are professing Christ out of fear of communal reproach, then they are not receiving the Christ of the true Gospel and are still going to hell with all their social approval deceiving them all along the way, while they work "works" to seemingly gain justification. Those who do this, will pay a special price in hell along side these lost souls because they had a higher standard they were held to as teacher or preacher.

God is Longsuffering, Forgiving, Gentle, desiring all to come to Him willingly. What an absolute atrocity it is to misrepresent God in such a way and be the cause of the Lost Soul.

Getting back to "sin" as a state of being, we now know the "how" of it coming into being, since sin is in opposition to God's Law and His Will.

Sin then, can be described as a lack of purity, a corruption of the full potential, and a diseased progress of deterioration. Science would call this "entropy", and indeed this "entropy" of the world is the result of this "sin" entering the world. The "corruption" of the perfect.

So then we must ask "How in the world can the perfect, be corrupted"?

The answer lies not in the "creation of sin" but in the allowance of its possibility.

You see, God did not create robots to do His will when He created man. He desires followers who CHOOSE to follow Him on their own. This includes the angels, or you would not have fallen angels, satan the devil, chiefly among them.

He created ALL things to be dependent on Him to remain pure, but also with freewill choice, otherwise, any failure could be attributed to Him as the creator of such. And Freewill choice requires the possibility of the WRONG choice, which also allows for the incursion of "sin" (or corruption).

This completely forces ALL who make choices, to be responsible for those choices, as well as the consequences of those choices. God sends no one to Hell. We send ourselves there in rejection of Him.

So, you see, that sin (or corruption of the pure) in not just a willful act, but is also a condition, that enters into the world given that free choice.

This is the "How" of sin's entrance into a being, and into the world. So, the answer to the first question about Sin, concerning who created it is:

God created the conditions for sin's possible existence, though He did not create it outright.

Sin entered satan through pride and freewill choice to rebel against God. How that occurred will be the question of the ages answered when we are fully redeemed.

Sin entered Eve through the disobeying of God's command and therefor rebellion via the deception of satan.

Sin entered Adam when he chose Eve (because he loved her) over God and disobeyed and therefor rebelled via his choice.

Sin entered into the world because of all 3 of them.

Sin was not created, but rather a possible condition that was allowed by freewill choice, and so here we are 6000 years later, waiting for God to complete the repair and the reinstatement of the pure.

As for the Second question about God not creating Evil.

He has not, nor does He create Evil in the state of being of an entity such as a man or angel, or he would be a partaker of that Evil and by nature made out to be a false and impure god. The condition of any given entity has directly resulted from that individual's choices.

In the three referenced scriptures (Isaiah 45:7, Lamentations 3:38, Amos 3:6), the word used in the original language for the Old English "Evil" is the Hebrew word [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil] meaning bad or evil in terms of Adversity or Calamity.

Indeed, Adversity is used in modern English for (Lamentations 3:38), and Calamity is used in both (Isaiah 45:7) and (Amos 3:6).

Additionally, both in the Old English and Modern English, in (Amos 5:13) we see the word "evil" [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil] used in a common idiom about days of calamity and adversity

     Amos 5:13

     Therefore, the prudent keep silent in such times,

     for the days are evil [H7451 - ra - Bad, evil].

In the Greek New Testament for example Paul and other Apostles reference the same idiom of "In that evil day", or "the days are evil" as a term for days of crisis and deception and adversity and calamity.

This then settles why the Church and the WORD state that God did not, nor does He create "evil" in the sense of a state of being in rebellion. He may create calamity or adversity, but they are not sin, they are not rebellion, and He has every right to do as He wills.

- - -

I pray this brings clarity and a source for further study for all who may view it.

Grace and Peace to all of you in Christ Jesus our Lord, God in the Flesh!

In His love!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Sunday, September 22, 2024

(9/23/2017) - 7 years on...

Tomorrow is September 23, 2024.

It will be an even 7 years from the Revelation 12 sign, on September 23,2017.

- - - - -

Now, we all remember the story of Joseph in Egypt...

7 years fat, 7 years lean. Pharoah's dream, interpreted by God through Joseph.

7 years shows up a lot in the bible (known as a Heptad), as does 14 (2 sets of 7). I think 2 shows up a lot with 7 for the idea of Official Witness.

Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt and after 14 years of learning the ways and knowledge of the world (Egypt in that time), reached his pinnacle of service to God, for the next 14 years.

Jacob (later to become Israel) worked 7 years for Laban (again representative of the world in that time) to gain the hand of Rachel, and then another 7 after being deceived by Laban with Leah.

Many other examples, but simply to say biblical events and prophecy often relay and relate in periods of 7.

Starting with (Daniel 9:23), which the irony of 9/23/2017 of (Revelation 12:1-2) is not lost on me, Gabriel answers Daniel's prayer and petition of understanding with the prophecy of 70 weeks, which includes all that relates to it from the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, until the cutting off of the Messiah for a total of 69 weeks of that 70 that God decrees for Israel (Daniel's people) through verse 25.

Verse 26, as we have learned over the millennia of history, is the great Age of Grace given us as a gift beyond measure. Most things are never understood until they are seen in hindsight and in fulfillment.

Verse 26 also begins the layout of the last period of 7, or the last week of the 70 weeks decreed (we know as Jacob's trouble and as the 7-year Tribulation), listing "the prince to come" (satan/antichrist) and contrasting him with "the Prince" (Jesus/God in the Flesh) in verse 25. This entity to come, this prince (who comes in his own name - John 5:43) "Confirms" a covenant with many (peoples).

I bring up (Daniel 9:20-27) because I believe we are close to the beginning of that last period of 7 literal years. And because also people often ask or take you to task on equating Jacob's Trouble, the Tribulation Period, and this last week of Daniel's prophecy.

Also, since the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation are "bookend" treatments of this same overall prophecy and its details, where one is closed up until the end times have arrived and then everyone starts to understand it, and the other (post messiah) is the one that opens up the prophecy and its details to the believing body who will read it.

If none of this rings true for you, in regard to the Tribulation period, Daniel etc., then there's not much we can have as a conversation about it. I sit firmly on its existence in reality.

From here on are my thoughts and speculations.

- I believe for example that (Revelation 12:1-2) and only those 2 verses, were fulfilled on the celestial event of 9/23/2017. I further see it as the starting gun of the period of Labor Pains, which is expressly contained in verse 2.

- As said before I believe in the 7-year Tribulation, and also believe in the FULL Pre-Tribulation rapture of the Body of Christ (in whatever state of sanctification). There is no earning or maintaining Salvation and HIS Justification, except by faith and belief in Him.

I could go into great depth about my position on the seals and the relationship to the Tribulation, but it is beyond the scope of this particular blog entry, so I will simply just say, and trust me on this, that I am very much Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Pre-millennial, Dispensational (within reason), etc.

- I also rely very much on Root Word meanings, Context, Typology, and the Illustrative use of parable like language to gain the deeper and more accurate meanings. We lose so much in English, be it the kings English or Modern.

With that said, I want to look at the case of the Typology of Joseph's interpretation of Pharoah's Dreams, and the resulting actions and playout of 14 years.

7 Fat Cornstalks, 7 Fat Cows, devoured by 7 Lean Cornstalks, 7 Lean Cows. We know from the word in the story that the interpretation was 7 Fat years, and then 7 extremely lean years. And only the preparation of storage of excess, kept all alive who lived through it.

Here I will state a disclaimer that I can only speak in terms of being in the United States.

In 2014-2015 I considered the Blood Moon Tetrad a forerunner of change to come for Israel. And there's no denying that Trump's first term in 2016-2020 saw Trump's treatment and progress with Israel as part of that change.

Not only that, but the biggest increase in quality of life seen in quite some time in the USA. Yet it took some time to reach that quality, at least a year.

2017 was a well-remembered year with some hope and some stability, but for me the high point had to be the 8/21/2017 Solar Eclipse and the 9/23/2017 celestial event above Jerusalem Israel, even though the naked eye could not see it.

And we have had the Aleph-Tav eclipses of October 14, 2023, and the 2nd Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024, to close it pretty close to a seven-year cycle for the USA.

I'll admit here that I had high hopes for our exit back then, but I can honestly say that I never said it was a sure bet. No one ever really knows until it has already occurred.

I take a general approach now to it all as being "similar" in nature to the first seven years of a two-part cycle.

And why am I on this topic? Well, tomorrow of course is 9/23/2024, exactly 7 years later, and what do we see all around us?

Chaos closing in, Perilous Times, insane mental expressions of extreme ideology, polarized political stances, good being called evil and evil being called good, the love of many waxing cold, the inundation of Narcissism via media and social media and the Anonymous and unaccountable actor.

- We have seen the formation of (Ezekiel 38-39) alliance in these last 7 years without any shadow of a doubt.

- There's indication that (Psalm 83) is coming to its final conclusion in this last year since the October 7, 2023 attack.

- The (Zech 12) attempt at splitting Jerusalem and Israel into 2 states.

- The Abraham Accords which will lead into the coming false religion, and maybe even the covenant to be confirmed in the future.

- The 2020 Covid deception, the gender neutral war, border invasion, genetics, economics, etc.

With all of the foreshadowing of the Tribulation occurring and much of its technology already in place, I can't help but wonder if we are just about there at this point. How much longer can this continue without a threshold event causing the dominoes to fall?

These last few years have seen the decline of morals, integrity, character, common sense, and the rise of aggression against the former. And we have seen this occur at a faster and more extreme rate...

Like Labor Pains...

So, what comes next?

Birth obviously...

Now, a case can also be made for (Revelation 12:3-4) in our time now 7 years down the road. There have been several times that events in the sky, can be shown to seemingly be an answer to the conditions of the (Revelation 12:3) description.

Verse 4 furthermore aptly describes the progression of aggression towards Christians and Christianity. The attempt to devour the child at its birth, the persecution, the attempt at persuasion and the temptation to deny God (His Name and His Existence), to deny His word (His Authority and His Power).

When it comes to birth, we often limit it in biblical discussions to Spiritual Birth, but the whole Redemption relies on the completion of the Physical Body being redeemed as well. This translation from mortal to immortal, whether dead or still mortally alive is the resurrection of the saints, the Body of Christ, His church, of which He is the head.

Make no mistake, verse 5 of Revelation 12 is a Rapture verse, because the very word (G726 - harpazó) in the Greek is used here just as it is in Paul's (1 Thessalonians 4)... To be "caught up" (snatched, seized, plucked forcefully and quickly). The meaning of the word is likened to a Parent forcefully grabbing and yanking a child out of the way of oncoming traffic.

Now here some complain that it refers to Christ Jesus and His ascension, and that it is a historical reference to identify Israel as the woman. While partially true that it does indeed identify Israel as the woman, it excludes the other details like:

- Jesus ascended softly and slowly under His own power because he had resumed His glory now being Resurrected by the Father, and so He was carried up, (G399 - anapheró) and was not plucked up forcefully. (Luke 24:50-51)

- Jesus gave His authority and power to the Church (His body), and in the future we Rule and Reign with Him as well, so therefore the Man Child she births is not just Jesus (the Head), but includes His body (the church) as well. This places this event in the future, from the time of John's writing down the Revelation of Jesus Christ, at the Island of Patmos.

- It ignores her other children as well (Revelation 12:17), the saints of the Tribulation period. This is indicative of the difference between the Grace age saints who were just resurrected and Raptured, and those now in the 7-year Tribulation.

So, now we start with the Tribulation period in verse 6 onward. We see her fleeing to the wilderness due to the rage of the Dragon (satan) and his angels being cast down to earth. But let us not make the mistake that she flees immediately right after the events of verse 5. Verse 6 is a "forward" entry linked to later in (Revelation 12:13-17).

The book of Revelation is not entirely linear and chronological.

(Revelation 12) for example, is a parenthetical subset chapter that includes the whole Tribulation plus some time before in the way of the time of Labor Pains at the start. It is a summation, and its focus is only on a few characters, namely:

- The Woman (Israel and her disposition at the start and throughout the Tribulation)

- Her Child just birthed (Grace Age saints just Resurrected and Raptured)

- Her other children (Tribulation Saints who go through the Tribulation)

- The Dragon (satan) and his angels

- Michael the Arch Angel (Defender of Israel) and his angels

That's it...

So, coming back to Joseph and Pharoah's dreams, I feel we are seeing the setup for the Tribulation (Seven Extreme Lean Years) right at our Laodicean doorsteps, and so the Philadelphian child should be just about to be reborn and raptured in complete and eternal redemption, Body, Mind, and Spirit. Because, we will be as He IS...

No. I'm not setting a date. I am NOT saying it will be tomorrow sometime in Israeli time. But I certainly cannot say it won't either. :)

We can ask however, how much more time could be possibly left in the coming days, months, or remainder of the year? Or even into next year?

I have long felt that the Rapture is event oriented even though there is no specific sign for its arrival. We have events galore that border on Tribulation fulfillments. And in this way, deductively, we know desperately that we are oh so in the season for it.

I find myself so subdued in mood these days, making even the simplest and short-term plans seems an effort of hubris...

I fall back to (Luke 21:28, 34-36 / Revelation 3:8-11) to ground myself and standing firm in these days of evil. Looking up for that soon Redemption.

Grace and Peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord, God in the flesh!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lying Latent...

There was a term I heard recently, "Lying Latent", that was used to describe the position of hidden geniuses due to lack of funding, connections, and of opportunity.

The term can be used in many situations beyond this application though as its basic premise is "Unrealized Potential".

Now this condition can be temporal and change in time, or it can be a sad statement about the lack of change ever, in the course of one's life. 

Therefor Lying Latent is neutral and its effect is judged based on the context of the environment it is in.

The statement was relayed in such a way that all Potential should be realized, just because it exists. And this is why I went to great lengths to think on this, because I did and still do reject this. It is such a worldly expectation in its singular polarity.

We can think of something in physics like "Potential Energy" where let's say we take a spring, compress it, tape it as it is compressed. and throw it in a drawer and forget about it. Unless that tape gets old and breaks, the spring will never do the job it was designed for.

On the other side of the coin, let's say we have a boy genius who gets discovered. He grows up, is educated, makes connections with other geniuses, and gets funding for projects. He invents nuclear weapons.

We would have been better off if he had remained Lying Latent.

So, this got me thinking about some biblical events as I often do when my mind is tickled by something like this, and it is always an enjoyable lesson digging into the word and the history presented in the Bible.

I thought about the story of Joseph, how for 14 years after being thrown in a well and sold to Egyptians into slavery his potential became fulfilled being used of God to effect change in a larger way than even in his own life.

Then I thought about the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, and how Lazarus was a large example of Lying Latent in his condition until he passed away. Yet, there was purpose and meaning in his story, he should have been the target for change by the Rich Man, who never stepped up to the plate to effect that change like he should have. As it turns out, the Rich Man was also Lying Latent.

The bible for all of its other meanings, is a book about "Change" and "Choice".

Free Will choice, and its blessings and its curse. Is what I choose to say or do, against God's ways, or is it in line with His will and command?

This is the issue with knowing Good and Evil, because now... You're on the hook!

Solomon said knowledge brings sadness and grief. And oh, how well we know it.

I moved on to the story of Elijah and the Priests of Ba'al. The fire from the sky testing. And I lingered on this one for good reason. There is a similarity between these times and our Perilous Times now.

And that is, that the people were silent in the face of the Corruption and Oppression.

Elijah was a passionate man (James 5:17), and a bit annoyed with the people in their silence. He also assumed that they all had turned from God because of their silence. But as we find out later when God tells him that He still has 7000 that have not kissed the statue or bent the knee to Ba'al in their silence.

Here I focus on (Amos 5:13) (Proverbs 22:3, 27:12), where the prudent (the wise), take cover and keep silent in the Evil Days. They effectively Lie Latent, waiting upon the Lord.

Now that is not a bad thing, is it?

They did not take up arms and fight an impossible overthrow of the government, they didn't try to effect change in a corrupt government by negotiation or compromise, they entreated the Lord in their silent prayers, and through Elijah change was affected by the hand of the Lord.

Change came for Elijah too. Clearly and rightfully so, Elijah could not continue on the way things were. He was exhausted and desiring to also Lie Latent in death. God wouldn't have it. God had something better for him. 😌

So now also, I come to the thoughts about those who criticize everyone else for "Not doing enough for God" from their haughty opinion and nebulous list of rules they have projected, onto God's simplicity for us of Faith alone.

This for me circles back to the assumption that all Potential should be Realized, just because it exists. The arrogance stands out to me.

Let no one play intercessor to the Father, but Christ alone.

He is in you, He loves you, and it is only His opinion of you that matters.

And that opinion is that He loved you enough to give His life for you, so why now would He withdraw from you in some sort of imagined disappointment?

His work in you, continues until Death or Rapture, and is ongoing in your Sanctification, and He will finish it (Philippians 1:5-6).

Here, when the accuser (in whatever form) comes along, (Romans 14:4) becomes a life verse!

Rest in His Grace (Lie Latent if you will), dear beloved of Christ!

For, YOU WILL STAND before Him, because HE is ABLE to make you STAND there by His finished work.

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. Stand firm then ... (Ephesians 6:13-14a)

Grace and Peace to you all in Christ Jesus our Lord, God in the Flesh!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

In the thick of it...

I've said before that I do not have a set schedule for this blog but rather post as I am led...

With that said, I feel I should at least throw up a flare and let you all know I am alive but just busy at the moment.

It never fails to happen that when I plan for something, a whole bunch of other somethings come up to interfere.

I've said before also that I have medical issues which cause me to struggle with what others might consider normal easy things even at age 61.

For me, winter prep involves firewood chores and other things that are strenuous to my physical body, and at the whim of my body's willingness to engage in it. I have some scheduled visits this week and probably more from that appointment onward, besides my regular visits to specialists over the months to come.

Rest and sleep are vague goals that involve perpetual shimmying to find positions that don't hurt until I am exhausted enough to finally go under. I battle irritability every day, and it is the lesson I am learning in patience and quietness and gentleness.

I don't say this for sympathy's sake, only to let you know why I must postpone some of my intended work to come, here on this blog. I will take your prayers though if you feel inclined and they are appreciated.

All too soon winter will be here, and I won't have the luxury of movement I have in spring through autumn. I will balance this though, with praise and thanksgiving to God the Father and the Son Jesus for the provision and blessing my wife and I do have.

So, thank you in advance for your grace and for your prayers.

Grace and Peace to you all in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

10 Bridesmaids (10 Virgins) and that pesky question about the Oil...

I will be taking advantage of some bible study conversations I have been having as of late with various friends and contacts.

I will be doing a series of entries from these conversations so as to share them with many others besides just those who had the conversation in private. I have always felt and believed that:

Answers from the Word, Belong to Everyone.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Bridesmaids)

This first one for today's blog entry will be from my good friend Rohit in India.

Rohit had asked me for some assistance on a project of his and we were talking about the problematic 10 Virgins Parable.

So, the answer will be centered around a question and argument for what exactly the Oil in this parable is.

Now before we get to that point, lets address the other issue with this parable first. Many argue and debate the timing of this parable with its intrinsic reference to the coming of the Bridegroom. Some feel it is a Rapture parable for the Church, others suggest it is addressed to those in the Tribulation period.

My opinion (such as it is) is that the context refers to the latter. Just because the Bridegroom is coming doesn't mean it is a wedding, since that is His title regardless of before or after a wedding. In other words, the title doesn't imply a timing.

Additionally, we have 10 Bridesmaids, not 10 Brides, and he isn't coming to marry the Bridesmaids.

Also, if we attribute this parable to the Church and before the wedding, we are faced with a twofold problem.

One, is that we see a 50% loss of the so-called saved in the church and would suggest that an already saved person could lose their salvation. This is not biblical at all.

Second, in the other extreme, means also that the Rapture and Resurrection of those in Christ would be 50% of all people who have ever lived up until that point. This is denied by Christ Jesus's own words about the Wide path and many who take it to destruction, compared to the Narrow path and few who find and take it to the Father and eternity. It simply is not a description of a 50/50 ratio.

This is not about the Church, or the Bride, or the Rapture. This is about something and sometime else. So, what is that then?

There is a place in scripture that has a lot to say in a few short verses, that contains this ratio of 50/50 and is also spoken by Jesus directly. (Matthew 24:37-40), the infamous "Days of Noah" verses with the "two in the field, one is taken (in death), and the other left".

 This immediately links it and the 10 Virgin parable to the time of the Tribulation.

So, who are the Bridesmaids then? These would be the possible friends of the Bridegroom for the Wedding Feast which comes after the wedding. They are possible because they are virgins and not spoiled by the world yet.

So here is where we get into the meat of the parable and its symbolism. The argument is often made that the Oil is the Holy Spirit. This doesn't work though, and the following is my reply to Rohit about it.

The problem is in the interpretation of the symbols, the Oil specifically, but also the lamps, and the vials of extra oil, and the trimming of the wicks, et all.

The “Oil” cannot be the Holy Spirit for this reason:

• The Holy Spirit is immeasurable, you either have it or you don’t. You are either full with the Spirit, or you do not (yet) have it. There is no “running out”.

This presents a problem then with the 10 Virgins, since they ALL start out with “Oil” in their lamps, and the 5 Foolish Virgins run out. Let that sink in a minute, the 5 Foolish Virgins had Oil to start with.

So… the question is what is the “Oil” then? Let us look at the symbolism of the Lamp and it’s components, and it’s operation and purpose.

Primarily, it’s purpose is to give Light to the world around it. For that light to be produced, you need a wick, you need oil, and you need a vessel to contain that oil, and you need a point of ignition, a spark or existing flame.

A lamp properly equipped will not give light without ignition. It will sit there dark and without fulfillment of purpose.

The Flame which gives light, is the Spirit. Paul reminds us not to extinguish the Spirit.

The Light is the Truth of God to a dark world.

The Wick is the mouth, the tongue, the acts of the person, the transmission of the oil from the vessel to the flame. And no wonder it must be trimmed from time to time. Trimming a lamp is to trim the wick from its crusty carbon build up and to reset its height above the oil.

The Lamp Vessel is the person, the soul which contains the Oil and the Wick.

And lastly the Oil, the fuel for the Flame (the Spirit). It is not the Wick that burns, but the Oil that burns.

We now, understanding that the “Oil”, cannot be the Holy Spirit because it is immeasurable, must look for another answer.

You know what IS measurable?


We have many examples in the scripture. Weak faith, little faith, faith the size of a mustard seed that can move mountains, and even no faith.

Oil is Faith.

And the example of the 10 Virgins is this:

They ALL started with Faith, but only the 5 Wise Virgins had Enduring Faith (till the end when He came), because they had extra faith (Oil) stored for the long haul.

It is interesting to note here also that they ALL trimmed their Lamps (speaking to a self-correction and adjustment.

Also, the answer of the 5 Wise Virgins to the 5 Foolish Virgins about going to town (the world) to buy Oil (Faith) almost sounds a bit cynical, as you don’t buy Faith to begin with, and you certainly, don’t get Faith from the world.

It sort of addresses a thought about works justification vs justification by Faith in the only One who can justify us.

It is to say sarcastically, that if you believe justification by your works, then go out into the world and gain more faith by doing your works in the world.

We won’t be waiting for you; we will rely on our Enduring Faith in Him.
Salvation has always been about Faith and the Tribulation saint is going to face a very heavy testing of their faith, much more so than those of us in the Age of Grace.

And perhaps that is the lesson to us still under Grace, to really appreciate just how good we have it when we didn't deserve it.

Grace and Peace to all of you in Christ Jesus our Lord, God in the Flesh!

In His love!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Not so subtle anymore

As we slide ever further and ever faster down the slope of America's decline, the subtle perspectives I spoke of on June 28th in my blog entry Subtle Perspectives seem to be eroding away into full blown prideful arrogance of a nation.

Last week, I forced myself to maintain, my self-imposed rule, of keeping Politics out of this blog.

I'll be honest, I'm seriously conflicted about the upcoming vote in November. I feel I must vote, as it is something I feel falls under Paul's discourse about government in the land you live, in (Romans 13).

I am registered Republican for the simple reason to be recognized as being ABLE and VALID to vote. Although, since I don't drink Diet Mountain Dew, that might be in question.

But I tow no party line, I worship no man, and I am appalled at the behavior of many who would claim the Name, in their doing just that.

Last week's Attempted Assassination of the Former President, and his pick of the Appalachian son as Vice President (who's history and upbringing I have much in common with), had me reeling in memories and old patriotism. I almost buckled under the weight of the feels.

And whenever I am in a spot like this, I have learned long ago to step back, shunt everything to irrelevance and just wait and watch. For me, the Holy Spirit has this one this year (actually He always has had it, but you know what I mean).

He has to, as I am fighting against a blinding fog of deception and occupied by overwhelming distractions. I know that so many are as well.

In the recent decades, I have become quite jaded about almost everything you hear or see. It creates a problem for me in navigating new encounters with people and for trust issues.

I can't help for example, to suspect that iconic image of the Former President fist pumping after being shot in the ear with the flag behind and the secret service around him, as being a setup for patriotic propaganda. It's the classic strength and hero shot much like the Flag of Iwo Jima of World War 2. And yes, that WAS created for that very effect it has on most. Understand here, that I am in no way diminishing the sacrifices those who came before us made for our country, but the truth has to be stated. The use of their blood and pain to further an agenda is an insipid act and a betrayal of what is good and honorable.

I could be totally wrong, but the point is made clear that if I can be wrong, I have no valuable discernment or experience because of my bias. This requires me to let go of it and let God.

Putting my own situation aside, there is indeed a very real and serious problem with the "Christian Nationalism" at work. It's been a problem for a while. Elevating the Former President to be equal to or greater than Jesus in bible misquotes, and artwork. But since the assassination attempt, my goodness!

We get this, and do I have to really explain what is so wrong with this?

I will anyway, since I don't wish to deprive anyone reading this of the details.

• Jesus tied to the American flag, and thus America
• Jesus smaller that the American flag
• Jesus looking up, as though lower than the Flag or America
• The Bandage on the ear, tying Jesus to Trump. This is not the wound that saved all humanity.
• And obviously, the text, "Jesus stand with Trump"? How about Trump stand with Jesus!

It's as crappy as the "Jesus Gets Us" movement, lowering Christ to the ordinary man, and elevating everyone and everything else. None of us, and nothing are equal to God, be He in flesh or in Spirit. It's an insult, it is disrespectful, and it is shameful. No servant is greater than their master, and they certainly aren't equal to Him either.

I am left feeling even more jaded about any real authenticity of anything coming out of the Republican camp.

The Lord has comforted me mentally a bit though on the dilemma that I have about November, in reminding me that things are written as fact already in scripture, long before they come about.

For the longest time, people often wondered why America, or more correctly, the USA, is not mentioned in the Bible. I actually believe she is, in particular of Jeremiah 50 & 51 as the "Daughter of Babylon", but that's a discussion for another day.

And looking at the issue we are discussing now, I think we have our answer. The proud are brought down. The names of the individual or party that is opposed to God or His ways are rarely given credit in the Word. At best they are likened to other infamous persons or groups who failed.

So, to say it simply, my comfort will be, (IF) and when the Holy Spirit tells me to vote for Trump, I will be progressing God's prophetic will, that will come to pass as scripture foresaw, and not a failure on my part to go against His will.

It may seem a bit crazy to the rational mind, but it is an example of letting God make the choice, because He sees and knew already what was to come, and I have still performed my duty under Romans 13's direction. And we must remember that God establishes and removes kings and leaders by His own counsel.

I don't make the decision to vote my conscience (which is sorely conflicted in a trap with no way out), rather I vote what He directs, and He will sort it out from there. I'm not voting for the sake of Trump, or the sake of the Republican party, or the sake of America, I'm voting what God directs me to, even if I didn't or don't understand why.

Only here, can I be free of the turmoil over it, and this sort of posture requires every bit of making myself not part of the equation.

So, I keep quiet, keep watching, keep waiting on the Lord. It's the very best thing I can do. It's much more profitable to focus on the things above anyway. Is there not enough already in life to deal with?

May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus or Lord, the only truly begotten Son of God, God in the flesh.

Be calm, and know that He is God, and watch the Lord work our salvation in progress to that very joyous end.

In His love!

2 Timothy 2:23

But reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling. 

Titus 3:9

But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the law, because these things are pointless and worthless.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

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