Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Down to the Wire


As if it isn't bad enough, all the doubts we suffer, that there is no shortage of those who would help us along in those doubts, either by design, or by foolish ignorance.

The Lord has a constant message for us all through the Bible, but more specifically in the New Testament.

And that is Encouragement and Edification. Love and Peace, not as the world gives, but as He gives.

You see, He knows our weaknesses. Yeah and you're probably saying as you read this...

Well duh...

But the real question is do you or I, know He knows?

In a previous entry, I spoke about how this covenant of Christ our Messiah for our salvation depends solely on Him, and not our abilities. How can there be divine Peace and divine Love in your life and expressed through His Spirit in us if you are living in fear and doubt?

I had the great opportunity to consider all this over the last week or two with our snow storm, and being home bound by it.

In these last hours of the last days upon us, we need so much to encourage one another. Stick to the work you are given, for the sphere of influence you have, large or small. A victory of one soul is as worth the effort as hundreds.

If you doubt you are doing enough, shed the false guilt, and step back and remember it's not you doing the work, it is Christ doing the work.

God is able and ready to do great things with small resources.

You say you only have 2 loaves and 5 fishes? Let Him feed 5000 and then another 4000 with it.

You say you only have 2 small coins to donate to His cause, let Him work a financial miracle with it! Remember that 200 people that donate a dollar to something, is better than 1 person who donates a hundred dollars.

In my own life, I have grown quite tired of doubts and the nagging false guilt's that abound, and I am speaking about my own, but I relay this to you the reader as well.

Don't let people define your faith, your salvation. They don't have a say in it at all. It's between you and the Savior, the only Name in and under heaven that saves and has already paid the price in full.

No opinion of others, nor any opinion about yourself counts. The covenant of Salvation by Christ, requires everything from God, and nothing from you. That is why it is a gift and is defined as such.

Be assured that He keeps His own as the Good Shepherd, and why He leaves the 99 to save the one.

I often wonder in disappointing amazement at those who continue to push the narrative that we must work to keep in good standing with Christ. It seems they feel and believe that good work brings on true faith. It's the proverbial Cart-before-the-Horse. It's backwards.

No, I tell you, True faith produces good works, and not works of our own making. It is Christ working through us. The good works of Christ in us, Who produces them from us, are the ones that survive the fire of testing.

Should anyone condemn you as lazy, useless, worthless, in the faith, they have already betrayed their failure and lack of faith.

(Romans 8:1)

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

If Christ no longer condemns us, why would you or I take any condemnation from another, mere mortal men and women?

Fear no man, and there is only one Judge and Ruler over all, and we have been made friends of God, and made family, by His gift and covenant.

All one need do, is believe in Him, believe in His promise, and accept His free gift, and profess it in your life to others that they may see the great work done in you and so many others.

Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Discernment and Maturity

A few days into the new year 2024 now, and what constantly comes to mind for this new year is Discernment and Maturity on the many troubled paths we walk in this, the final days of the world.

Proverbs 27:20

Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied;

so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

If it's not bad enough that the world is cruel, hateful, and perverse, my constant thorn is the many so-called experts of theology and prophecy (Sheologians), ready to tear you apart in detail on YOUR faith, when they aren't stable or correct in theirs. Forever deceiving and being deceived, trying to steal your joy, kill your hope, and destroy your faith.

Okay, there... I said it. Felt I had to, to start off this year.

Proverbs 15:28

The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer,

but the mouth of the wicked blurts out evil.

Now mind you, I am not speaking of a Christian who may be incorrect in understanding and is seeking an answer to serious questions.

The most recognizable characteristic in the ones I am talking about is the lack of Love, compassion, humility, patience, and gentleness.

It's a simple test really. Love, or it's lack of, is the start of Discernment.

Sometimes, it's not even so much the nagging notion that something just isn't 100% right, as it is the delivery of the message.

This is why we chose to uphold the written word and study it to be experienced in the times when the error tries to manifest.

You can be sure that if someone is trying to push error on you, they will try and disarm, distract, and dismay you, in nothing short of a pushy, aggressive, condescending, insulting, and prideful manner.

Now, Paul told us the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Love in (Galatians 5:22-23). Further, this  divine Love is characterized by the following characteristics from the One who expresses it.

Joy Peace Patience Kindness
Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control

These are simply not possible to the unsaved, or to those who believe, but try to do all in their own strength and will. These are expressed by the Holy Spirit through us, and not because of us.

Paul also describes this divine Love in (1 Corinthians 13:1-8a), in the form of a list of practical expressions, in which this divine Love never takes the route of the flesh.

Is patient Is kind Does not envy Does not boast
Is not proud Is not rude Is not self-seeking Is not easily angered
Keeps no account of wrongs Takes no pleasure in evil Rejoices in the truth Bears all things
Believes all things Hopes all things Endures all things Never fails

So, here we are, from the Word Himself, what His Love looks and acts like, and His command to Love one another as He has Loved us (John 13:34 / John 15:12).

And by this love for one another we are known as His true disciples (John 13:35).

And with this Love, comes Maturity, as we grow in Christ, which also brings more in depth discernment by experience, along with listening to the Holy Spirit.

To hear the Spirit speak, we must be quiet and focused on Him. This is the importance of prayer, at any time, and at all times.

Discernment is a Spiritual Battle, not a logical one. (Michelle Lesley)

Both Paul (in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3) and John in (1 John) speak about how the lack of this divine Love and respect for others betrays a hypocrisy of claiming Jesus, yet not loving your neighbor, not loving one another as He loved us.

Discernment in this case looks like this:

• Electing not to engage, or disengaging with someone.
• Picking your battles that really mean something to stand your ground on.
• Silence. Patience in answering. Just Listening.
• Waiting for a better time to speak wisdom.
• Answering with the Word only. 
• Not all requests for comment require an answer.
• That "No", is a complete and valid answer.

You are required to preach the Gospel, and give your answer to the Hope that lies within you when asked. You are NOT required to take another's abuse.

As for the rest of the world, we must be beacons of His light, not mirrors of the worlds ways. We must remember not to judge them, as no one comes to Jesus unless they are drawn by the Father to Him. They are already in judgment, unless they escape.

They don't understand the spiritual things, as they have not His spirit yet. They have not been saved yet. This is our mission field... Sheep among wolves...

Please consider these things for your spiritual health in the new year, put into practice stepping back, and not being reactionary (something I have very much experience at failing in). Allow God to do His will through you.

That's the way it works. If you could do it yourself, then Christ need not of come to begin with. ;)

Grace and Peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord in this new year of opportunity to further the Gospel. May the year 2024 be the year we go Home!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]