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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Initial Blog Introduction

JackN 🦊 Foxman On The Wall

This will be, and is, the home of my blog called [ Stand Firm Then... ], referencing the beginning of (Ephesians 6:14), where Paul, after describing the pieces of the Christian believer's armor and meaning, tells us to suit up and stand your ground in it.

"and having done all to stand. Stand firm then..."

So, I must first say a big thank you the Greg Lauer of A Little Strength for his help by putting up with some questions about how he does articles on his website, as well as on through blogger to which he answered most graciously.

Come to find out I had an account here from 2017 through Google that I must have started and then dropped by the way side. To be fair, a lot has happened in these 6 years since, both personally and physically.

I'm at a point now after all this where I can spend some time again seriously with internet posting of articles and topics near and dear to me. I have been active enough on some forums and in MeWe, but I needed a centralized soap box of sorts, and this serves nicely.

As we approach the last hours of the last days of history I feel compelled to speak on some things in relation to the faith and the true Gospel of Christ Jesus.

I am aware that commenting is active on this blog, and that there will be some who wish to take me to task on maybe everything I will say in my posts.

- First I will say I do not engage arguments.

- Second I will also say that I do not intend to be active in reading, or to respond to comments. So if I never respond to you, know that it is nothing personal. I have limited time as it is. This does not mean I won't however if time permits me and I see something I just can't pass up. :)

In the coming days and weeks I will be trying to flesh out this blog with profile info and posts, so bare with me for a bit.

And thank you in advance for coming here to read my posts.

Sebastian and I appreciate it. :)

🦊 Jack


📩 I have been asked about this enough, to warrant creating this addendum about commenting on Blogger. So here it is... 🔨🔧

Also, I now have the follow links working, as well as the eMail Subscribe form and service working.

  On the Blogger site here, you can comment in one of 3 ways.

1. If you are logged in to your Google or Blogger account, it will default to that setting as author of the comment. And you can just type a comment and publish it.

2. If you are not logged in as above, you have two options to comment without having to log in.

• Blogger will default to Anonymous.

3. You also have the choice to choose a comment author Name , and optionally a URL as well (like a home page link etc.)

Choose Name / URL

Choose a Posting name for your comment, and if you wish a URL to link from it.

And finally type your comment, and then click Publish, which in this example produces the following:

And there you go... Please be gentle, and understand I can and will delete offensive and abusive comments.

And as Gary and Jeff would say...



🚫 🍇

be a Grape


  1. You are most certainly welcome, and it's great to see you up and running! Looks great!

    1. Hey Greg! I really do appreciate your help. Thank you again! ;)

  2. Excellent blog Jack! Very nicely done! Keep up the good work until we meet in the air with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! God Bless You Brother!


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