Friday, September 1, 2023

Seven years?

Been a lot of hoopla over the coming SDG summit and Feast of Trumpets. As others have, I also will throw in my opinion chip briefly.

I have been cautious, and I've had to wait a bit to say anything, as I have had real life issues to deal with, such as the recent week long heat wave, equipment failure, and a whole host of other things I don't need to bring up here.

During this time while I went throughout the course of my days, I contemplated the idea of FoT rapture based on the proximity of Agenda 2030, SDG's summit, etc. and Feast of Trumpets this year, just prior.

The one pro to this idea is the "Peace and Safety" motto that has been broadcasted about it. This of course is in relation to (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Two glaring cons to this though come from scripture and that of non other than (Daniel 9:27) itself.

It is simply not enough to say that this declaration of 7 years of doubled efforts in the SDGs is the covenant to come, since it will be bereft of:

• (1) the single individual to confirm it (strengthen it or make it better) we know as the AC.

• (2) having anything to do with Israel and the New Temple or the worship in that new temple.

It is, for now, a global agreement for environment, money, government, etc. Signed by "many" for sure, but missing that singular person so many have speculated on.

And according to (2 Thessalonians 2) we simply can't know who the "he" is, because we will be gone already.

For this reason, by scripture, I do not find this reasoning abounding on youtube and in many conversations as a basis of excitement for FoT this year any more than any other day in our near future.

I abide by the warning of Christ in (Luke 21:34) to watch my heart, and not get bogged down in the world, which very much includes it's various worldly events and scheduled plans.

Now... Do I think it won't happen this FoT this year? I can not say that either. :)

I remain forever hopeful for soon escape (Luke 21:36). Mid September would be most welcomed if it should happen.

The only certainty for each of us day by day, is that we are one day closer. ❤️

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

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