Sunday, December 10, 2023

Signs in the Sun, Moon, and the Stars... (Luke 21:25)


This week and last has some particular interest in the geopolitical future of the world according to men, with summits and agendas.

It's also seen an event in the celestial world outside our atmosphere, which doesn't seem to be a rare occurrence any more.

Many here in the USA lament the condition and vulnerability of the Power Grid, and rightfully so. The situation is more precarious than many would like to admit.

Recently, yet another large coronal hole has appeared on the suns surface, and it's huge. Spewing out radiation in the form of a Solar Wind towards Earth, accelerated by the lack of being able to contain it at the surface of the sun. Southerners seeing Arora in the lower latitudes because of the onslaught.

Technically speaking, a coronal hole is a temporary region of relatively cool, less dense plasma in the solar corona where the Sun's magnetic field extends into interplanetary space as an open field.

Compared to the corona's usual closed magnetic field that arches between regions of opposite magnetic polarity, the open magnetic field of a coronal hole allows solar wind to escape into space at a much quicker rate. This results in decreased temperature and density of the plasma at the site of a coronal hole, as well as an increased speed in the average solar wind measured in interplanetary space.

If streams of high-speed solar wind from coronal holes encounter the Earth, they can cause major displays of aurorae. Near solar minimum, when activity such as coronal mass ejections is less frequent, such streams are the main cause of geomagnetic storms and associated aurorae.

Here's a picture of it from instruments designed to image the surface of the sun to see it's features.

Now, for me, I see more than just some physiological feature of the sun in it's processes. The shape is particularly interesting to me in the fact that it reminds me of the Hebrew Letter Gimel (or Gimmel - 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet).

I took some time this morning to check out various depictions of the Letter Gimel (Gimmel) and a few of the written forms are mighty close. Here's a pic I made to get the idea across.

Why might you ask would I find this interesting?

The Word... Always the word.

Luke 21:25

There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars,

and on the earth dismay among the nations,

bewildered by the roaring of the sea

and the surging of the waves.

I take the word as a real and practical meaning unless otherwise noted by context, and the context here is VERY practical, because 3 verses later in verse 28, Jesus includes it in a larger list of things we are to recognize in the time He speaks of (which we are in), and to use for our encouragement.

When we see this, and the other things, we are to look up! Focus on Him... Lift up our heads! Be encouraged by it... And why?

Because our Redemption draws near (not His second coming, no... OUR REDEMPTION!)

Okay, so, why would the letter Gimel (Gimmel) show up on the sun's face, and what could that mean?

The Hebrew letter Gimel (Gimmel) has quite a rich meaning base for believers, but it's foundational meanings of which I will share only 2, has much to say.

From (Chabad Org) -

The word " gimel " is derived from the word " gemul ", which in Hebrew means both the giving of reward as well as the giving of punishment.

From (Hebrews for Christians) -

Gimmel is a Picture of Yeshua as our Redeemer

Yeshua the Mashiach is identified as the Redeemer of mankind (John 4:42). He is the One who, being born into the world, runs forth bearing charity for the poor ones who stand "behind the door." He is our nourishment and our great Benefit. But for those who spurn His love, Yeshua represents judgment and recompense (i.e., the Avenger of blood, called go'el haddam).

Note that Gimmel also can mean "lift up," as a camel lifts up the one who is upon it. Likewise, Yeshua has been lifted up and exalted before the world as the One who has conquered sin and death on our behalf.  Benefit indeed!

Here then is a coincidence in meaning between (Luke 21:25) and an actual physical event with a "seemingly" Hebrew letter of Gimel on the face of the sun, a coincidence in context of the message of Redemption being near when seen, a coincidence in meaning of the letter Gimel representing our Kinsman Redeemer who will perform our Redemption, a coincidence in the pictorial meaning of Gimel as a Camel that "Lifts up the one upon it".

Irony as well... Look up, Lift up your head, for your redemption draws nigh...

The redemption of both the living and the dead in Christ involves our being changed, and lifted up off the face of the earth forever to be with Christ.

Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength;

they will mount up with wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not faint.

I make no predictions, I will set no date... But I gotta say...

I am HIGHLY encouraged by this event, and it's timing in these two (of all) weeks.

Keep looking up !

Grace and Peace to you all in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]


  1. Wow! Thank you for this. I’m ready to go!

  2. Thank you this is incredible, extremely encouraging. Our redemption draws near

  3. Awesome read Jack, I have a lot of hope we go home in the next 24 hours give or take. I pray the Lord dosnt let that hope go to waste. I am beyond ready to go to be with the my Lord and Savior.

  4. Hi Jack!
    This was GOLD!!!
    Miss ya buddy, I pray all is well with you and your family!❤️

    1. Hey Jim!

      Not as gold as we hoped I guess, but I am forever hopeful. ;)

      Still having fun with that drone? ;)

  5. Thank you, Jack! When I saw that shape, I thought it resembled a Hebrew letter, but wasn't sure. I've
    missed your wisdom.

    1. Hey Susan!

      So great to hear from you! :) Hope you and yours are well!

  6. Good read! Very encouraging and needed for me personally right now ( God knows the details) -KR

  7. There's so much in the Hebrew 'alef-bet'!
