Sunday, April 28, 2024

Adding to or subtracting from the Word

Last two weeks or so has been crazy. Had a computer crash I'm still dealing with even now, but I am up and running on another machine which allows me to get back into it.

So now. Get ready for some discernment...

A few weeks back I had posted on some social media sites and forums my disdain for the "new bible" being offered and endorsed by Trump.

My complaint, other than hocking the Word for an income for a Presidential run, was the inclusion of that which should not be added alongside the word.

This is NOT about Trump, or about Politics, or about a youtube channel, etc, but is squarely about the act of adding to the word in any form or shape for any reason.

It's one thing to add chapter and verse, notes, and study guides along side the word to help you understand the word a little better, but ultimately our teacher is the Holy Spirit. And these things are obvious and self evident that they are not the word or any part of the word.

It's another, and quite frankly detestable thing to add human, government documents as though they rise to the same value as the Inspired Word of God.

I was also given the following link to a video of clip of a pastor's sermon that I was happy to see and hear.

Sermon video

It's nice to see that I'm not alone, and that there are others speaking out in their circles of influence.

Now onto the original video and my post several weeks ago about the Ad, in various places.

Before you view this, if you view this...

... understand that I am speaking solely to and about the Trump commercial within this video that starts at 2:05 timestamp, not "The Next News Network", not Trump, not the KJV bible, etc...

Also this is not about a VP choice as the splash screen tends to imply.

Trump Bible Ad at 2:05 minutes 

Before I continue, I will say:

- I am not against KJV bibles, I have and use one.

- I am not against America, nor her founding fathers, nor her documents

- I am not even against Trump really, as compared to Biden


I am not a fan of the use of the bible for political maneuvering or fundraising.

The whole thing to me is atrocious. Like a Snake Oil salesman. His is the very first money changer table that Jesus would turn over.

The documents of the founding fathers for this nation do not equate to the level of the writings in the Bible. They simply are not the inspired word of God, so they are not only considered adding to God's word, but an insult by tying them (and America) falsely to the word of God. This is the same mistake of the Jews with the Talmud, elevating the writings of men to the level of scripture "to be included" along with it.

This is a ploy to promote a false blessing and anointment on America that does not exist, into the mind of the gullible and weak of faith. It is an insult to true Christendom. It is also subliminally, a move of NAR and Replacement Theology.

The timing is very suspicious as well, concerning the national vote to come, so as to grease the track and fan the patriotic flame.

And I do have to wonder a bit at the KJV aspect along with the whole package. Is this a ploy also to expand the KJV only demographics?

It would have been better to put all the documents in a separate book along with a KJV bible. And that is the most positive comment I can muster.

Get your own bible on your own terms. Run from this!

May God richly bless you, and protect you, in these very troubling times. 🦊❤️

1 Thessalonians 5:14-22

And we urge you, brothers,

to admonish the unruly,

encourage the fainthearted,

help the weak,

and be patient with everyone.

Make sure that no one repays evil for evil.

Always pursue what is good for one another and for all people.

Rejoice at all times.

Pray without ceasing.

Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Do not extinguish the Spirit.

Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things.

Hold fast to what is good.

Abstain from every form of evil.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

1 comment:

  1. Shalom Brother Jack
    Thank you for articulating your thoughts on this.
    You are a blessing and encouragement to me.
    May our Father continue to increase your capacity and creativity in representing Him.
