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Friday, June 28, 2024

Subtle Perspectives

I was listening to a so-called "Christian song" the other day, parsing the lyrics in my mind as I was doing some task. I think it was morning dishes if I remember correctly...

I got jolted by a subtle perspective that I found to be in discord (pun intended). The premise was that if God agrees with you, then you are invincible... ??? What?

Now before you have a cow reading the rest of this, please be gracious to me, and be patient. I will explain further where I am going with this, as it's a big deal these days, and not too many talk about it, or worse, talk in a way that supports the opposite.

Now to start off, I am well aware of, and believe the scripture that states "If God is for us, who can be against us?". I totally accept it, and I totally believe it. I would also accept and believe that "with God, all things are possible."

My problem is not in the truth spoken but in the delivery that some use.

I've said many times and fully believe that we do not work here in life, but rather allow God to do HIS work through us. If we did the work, it would be spoiled, tainted, and valueless, since all Glory belongs to God alone.

Contemplating this further as I was being fed the many thoughts and things to write down here, I thought about the Wheat and the Tare parable, how, in the beginning both look similar and are almost indistinguishable. Yet the proof is in the end result.

In how the Wheat bends and bows to the will of the wind (Holy Spirit if you will), how it becomes white in the field (Children of Light if you will) at harvest time.

Contrasted to Tares, which are stiff and toxic (Prideful if you will), and grow darker (Children of Darkness if you will) toward the end of their cycle. They are gathered and burnt like chaff on the wind.

This subtle difference appears in other scripture as well; and is characterized by the tense and perspective of the individual.

Yes, the dreaded statement of Christ to those He says, "Depart from Me, for I never knew you". The ones who, in their lives used Jesus's name like a talisman or a Jeannie lamp, justifying and elevating themselves in status by dropping His name as a certification of their work. Like some kind of transactional relationship, quid pro quo. Probably uttering insipid words like "See...Jesus agrees with me" as they manipulate others to their own personal will and glory, all the while never having a real relationship with Him. They never knew Him, nor did He know them as His own.

The perspective is the same as the Tare. Standing on it's own, self-sustaining, among other kinds of plants like the Wheat, which is humble in nature, and relies on the Sower to develop and bring it to maturity.

There was a point in Joshua's life when standing in the presence of Christ unknowingly (pre-Carnate / Christophany), he (Joshua) asks if He (Christ), is with him or with the enemy. Christ simply said "No" and proclaimed His title as Commander of the Hosts. Joshua's rude awakening to the realization of Christ before him, ended in Joshua dropping to his knees and worshipping Christ who was and is the Commander of the Hosts of Heaven.

Here was an error on Joshua's part that can be easily forgiven because of ignorance (not stupidity). It wasn't a blatant pride on Joshua's part to treat Christ as just some other person he might have to battle. Joshua responded correctly once he knew the glaring truth (and this is why it's not stupidity).

But there's a lesson here for all of us too, and that is, to not get so comfortable with your faith, that you treat Christ as an equal... 😄 There should always be an awe and reverence in our hearts for our God who has adopted us as children of His family.

So then, the perspective is this:

Are you with God? and not, Is God with you? Though He is surely with us all when we chose Him. 😊

It may seem like a small thing, but like anything else, error grows from the smallest seed.

Either perspective are marked by one or another characteristic, either Humility and Compassion, or otherwise by the scent of Pride and Hardness.

You often find that the ones who use Jesus's name for their own ends to be cold, calculated, and harsh in their dealings with others. Always works oriented and unreasonable expectations run high, respect demanded and often not returned in kind. An air of "Prove yourself to me and my expectations", always acting like they are better than you regardless...

I ask what happened to Jesus, and why are you here now? 😊

Do not be bullied by these types. Walk away if you must. Give no quarter to their brand of evil, nor tolerate it in your presence. Christ has given you every right to do so.

Romans 8:1

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

So now, if you are in Christ, and there is now no condemnation for you, why would you accept any from anyone else?

Grace and Peace to all in Christ our Lord, God in the flesh!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Powerful post and most excellent!


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