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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Not so subtle anymore

As we slide ever further and ever faster down the slope of America's decline, the subtle perspectives I spoke of on June 28th in my blog entry Subtle Perspectives seem to be eroding away into full blown prideful arrogance of a nation.

Last week, I forced myself to maintain, my self-imposed rule, of keeping Politics out of this blog.

I'll be honest, I'm seriously conflicted about the upcoming vote in November. I feel I must vote, as it is something I feel falls under Paul's discourse about government in the land you live, in (Romans 13).

I am registered Republican for the simple reason to be recognized as being ABLE and VALID to vote. Although, since I don't drink Diet Mountain Dew, that might be in question.

But I tow no party line, I worship no man, and I am appalled at the behavior of many who would claim the Name, in their doing just that.

Last week's Attempted Assassination of the Former President, and his pick of the Appalachian son as Vice President (who's history and upbringing I have much in common with), had me reeling in memories and old patriotism. I almost buckled under the weight of the feels.

And whenever I am in a spot like this, I have learned long ago to step back, shunt everything to irrelevance and just wait and watch. For me, the Holy Spirit has this one this year (actually He always has had it, but you know what I mean).

He has to, as I am fighting against a blinding fog of deception and occupied by overwhelming distractions. I know that so many are as well.

In the recent decades, I have become quite jaded about almost everything you hear or see. It creates a problem for me in navigating new encounters with people and for trust issues.

I can't help for example, to suspect that iconic image of the Former President fist pumping after being shot in the ear with the flag behind and the secret service around him, as being a setup for patriotic propaganda. It's the classic strength and hero shot much like the Flag of Iwo Jima of World War 2. And yes, that WAS created for that very effect it has on most. Understand here, that I am in no way diminishing the sacrifices those who came before us made for our country, but the truth has to be stated. The use of their blood and pain to further an agenda is an insipid act and a betrayal of what is good and honorable.

I could be totally wrong, but the point is made clear that if I can be wrong, I have no valuable discernment or experience because of my bias. This requires me to let go of it and let God.

Putting my own situation aside, there is indeed a very real and serious problem with the "Christian Nationalism" at work. It's been a problem for a while. Elevating the Former President to be equal to or greater than Jesus in bible misquotes, and artwork. But since the assassination attempt, my goodness!

We get this, and do I have to really explain what is so wrong with this?

I will anyway, since I don't wish to deprive anyone reading this of the details.

• Jesus tied to the American flag, and thus America
• Jesus smaller that the American flag
• Jesus looking up, as though lower than the Flag or America
• The Bandage on the ear, tying Jesus to Trump. This is not the wound that saved all humanity.
• And obviously, the text, "Jesus stand with Trump"? How about Trump stand with Jesus!

It's as crappy as the "Jesus Gets Us" movement, lowering Christ to the ordinary man, and elevating everyone and everything else. None of us, and nothing are equal to God, be He in flesh or in Spirit. It's an insult, it is disrespectful, and it is shameful. No servant is greater than their master, and they certainly aren't equal to Him either.

I am left feeling even more jaded about any real authenticity of anything coming out of the Republican camp.

The Lord has comforted me mentally a bit though on the dilemma that I have about November, in reminding me that things are written as fact already in scripture, long before they come about.

For the longest time, people often wondered why America, or more correctly, the USA, is not mentioned in the Bible. I actually believe she is, in particular of Jeremiah 50 & 51 as the "Daughter of Babylon", but that's a discussion for another day.

And looking at the issue we are discussing now, I think we have our answer. The proud are brought down. The names of the individual or party that is opposed to God or His ways are rarely given credit in the Word. At best they are likened to other infamous persons or groups who failed.

So, to say it simply, my comfort will be, (IF) and when the Holy Spirit tells me to vote for Trump, I will be progressing God's prophetic will, that will come to pass as scripture foresaw, and not a failure on my part to go against His will.

It may seem a bit crazy to the rational mind, but it is an example of letting God make the choice, because He sees and knew already what was to come, and I have still performed my duty under Romans 13's direction. And we must remember that God establishes and removes kings and leaders by His own counsel.

I don't make the decision to vote my conscience (which is sorely conflicted in a trap with no way out), rather I vote what He directs, and He will sort it out from there. I'm not voting for the sake of Trump, or the sake of the Republican party, or the sake of America, I'm voting what God directs me to, even if I didn't or don't understand why.

Only here, can I be free of the turmoil over it, and this sort of posture requires every bit of making myself not part of the equation.

So, I keep quiet, keep watching, keep waiting on the Lord. It's the very best thing I can do. It's much more profitable to focus on the things above anyway. Is there not enough already in life to deal with?

May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus or Lord, the only truly begotten Son of God, God in the flesh.

Be calm, and know that He is God, and watch the Lord work our salvation in progress to that very joyous end.

In His love!

2 Timothy 2:23

But reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling. 

Titus 3:9

But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the law, because these things are pointless and worthless.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]


  1. Well written and appreciated. I think many of us feel the same about what is happening just in the past few weeks, and are at odds with our wanting to fulfill our obligation to vote or not. Thank you for your thoughts!

  2. Thank you for putting into words what I have wrestled with for several weeks. I too had decided, since I kept going back and forth, to wait on the Lord ( likely will be Election Day) ….if we’re still here.

  3. I will clarify here two things:

    - I have no regard for the Democratic Party or their party goals.

    - Don't think for one minute I have forgotten Trump's involvement in pushing the vaccine, or him and Jared dividing Jerusalem and Israel with the Deal of the Century, and I most certainly have not forgotten about the Abraham accords either.

    These are the important points because they are biblical points and not just some political issues. And yet, they are foreseen in Prophecy as coming to pass, so in lies my dilemma. :)


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