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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lying Latent...

There was a term I heard recently, "Lying Latent", that was used to describe the position of hidden geniuses due to lack of funding, connections, and of opportunity.

The term can be used in many situations beyond this application though as its basic premise is "Unrealized Potential".

Now this condition can be temporal and change in time, or it can be a sad statement about the lack of change ever, in the course of one's life. 

Therefor Lying Latent is neutral and its effect is judged based on the context of the environment it is in.

The statement was relayed in such a way that all Potential should be realized, just because it exists. And this is why I went to great lengths to think on this, because I did and still do reject this. It is such a worldly expectation in its singular polarity.

We can think of something in physics like "Potential Energy" where let's say we take a spring, compress it, tape it as it is compressed. and throw it in a drawer and forget about it. Unless that tape gets old and breaks, the spring will never do the job it was designed for.

On the other side of the coin, let's say we have a boy genius who gets discovered. He grows up, is educated, makes connections with other geniuses, and gets funding for projects. He invents nuclear weapons.

We would have been better off if he had remained Lying Latent.

So, this got me thinking about some biblical events as I often do when my mind is tickled by something like this, and it is always an enjoyable lesson digging into the word and the history presented in the Bible.

I thought about the story of Joseph, how for 14 years after being thrown in a well and sold to Egyptians into slavery his potential became fulfilled being used of God to effect change in a larger way than even in his own life.

Then I thought about the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, and how Lazarus was a large example of Lying Latent in his condition until he passed away. Yet, there was purpose and meaning in his story, he should have been the target for change by the Rich Man, who never stepped up to the plate to effect that change like he should have. As it turns out, the Rich Man was also Lying Latent.

The bible for all of its other meanings, is a book about "Change" and "Choice".

Free Will choice, and its blessings and its curse. Is what I choose to say or do, against God's ways, or is it in line with His will and command?

This is the issue with knowing Good and Evil, because now... You're on the hook!

Solomon said knowledge brings sadness and grief. And oh, how well we know it.

I moved on to the story of Elijah and the Priests of Ba'al. The fire from the sky testing. And I lingered on this one for good reason. There is a similarity between these times and our Perilous Times now.

And that is, that the people were silent in the face of the Corruption and Oppression.

Elijah was a passionate man (James 5:17), and a bit annoyed with the people in their silence. He also assumed that they all had turned from God because of their silence. But as we find out later when God tells him that He still has 7000 that have not kissed the statue or bent the knee to Ba'al in their silence.

Here I focus on (Amos 5:13) (Proverbs 22:3, 27:12), where the prudent (the wise), take cover and keep silent in the Evil Days. They effectively Lie Latent, waiting upon the Lord.

Now that is not a bad thing, is it?

They did not take up arms and fight an impossible overthrow of the government, they didn't try to effect change in a corrupt government by negotiation or compromise, they entreated the Lord in their silent prayers, and through Elijah change was affected by the hand of the Lord.

Change came for Elijah too. Clearly and rightfully so, Elijah could not continue on the way things were. He was exhausted and desiring to also Lie Latent in death. God wouldn't have it. God had something better for him. 😌

So now also, I come to the thoughts about those who criticize everyone else for "Not doing enough for God" from their haughty opinion and nebulous list of rules they have projected, onto God's simplicity for us of Faith alone.

This for me circles back to the assumption that all Potential should be Realized, just because it exists. The arrogance stands out to me.

Let no one play intercessor to the Father, but Christ alone.

He is in you, He loves you, and it is only His opinion of you that matters.

And that opinion is that He loved you enough to give His life for you, so why now would He withdraw from you in some sort of imagined disappointment?

His work in you, continues until Death or Rapture, and is ongoing in your Sanctification, and He will finish it (Philippians 1:5-6).

Here, when the accuser (in whatever form) comes along, (Romans 14:4) becomes a life verse!

Rest in His Grace (Lie Latent if you will), dear beloved of Christ!

For, YOU WILL STAND before Him, because HE is ABLE to make you STAND there by His finished work.

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. Stand firm then ... (Ephesians 6:13-14a)

Grace and Peace to you all in Christ Jesus our Lord, God in the Flesh!

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much very encouraging. I felt off colour yesterday met up with two unsaved friends. I messed up. I joked a little chatted a little. Mentioned the state of tge world but failed miserable to size the opportunity mainly because I just wanted to go lie down . Thank you


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