The Spiritual fight is never over, but I do have to admit to the relief and savor the quietness, between skirmishes. In the solitude of the moment, I can reflect on events and my reactions to them.
Recently, I have spent too much time and energy in speculations, and I should know better.
Those who know me, know that I consider the Word of God as inerrant in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek. That I turn to those root meanings and definitions when dealing with ANY translation, be it KJV or otherwise.
I also search out the scriptures by spiritual discernment and by Context for myself, and do not rely upon other's interpretations.
This is my base, my foundation, since as (John 1:1) states... He is the Word.
The flesh, always prone for an opportunity to deviate course, draws you in to other concerns, and the worst is speculation. And that leads to quarreling. Quarreling over stuff that doesn't matter. And the flesh also leads to complaining.
Paul warns us in the word:
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2 Timothy 2:23-24
But reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling.
And a servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, and forbearing.
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Titus 3:9
But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the law, because these things are pointless and worthless.
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For me it starts usually when a media link is sent to me, or a stream of humor starts to go downhill and out of control. Hey... I'm saved, but I ain't perfect by any means. That's why I need to be saved just like anyone else. :)
I can't trust anyone or anything on YouTube, and I won't try to.
Often, I must grab and shake myself free of the distractions and anchor myself back to the foundation that never fails me, the Word.
The only place I find peace in the chaos of the world. Not the peace that the world gives, but the peace that His still, small voice gives. The peace of His love, and the peace of His promise.
That Foundation, that Rock which is Christ Jesus, who is that Word.
I can certainly relate to what you are saying here and have had the same experiences. Trying to stay of social media is helpful... but there are sermons on YT I do listen to... from trusted pastors. Mostly its the Word that is important to hold and remain steadfast in... and this is where the enemy tries to distract focus. The importance also of waiting on the HS for an answer is critical. Here trust and faith factor into the situation.