Saturday, July 29, 2023

2nd Great American Eclipse of the decade

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean.

Interactive map - NASA - April 8, 2024 Eclipse

For more info about it, go here.

This will be the bookend closing eclipse of the set, the first being the one back in August 21, 2017. 

Y'all remember that one don't you? It was only 6 years ago next month (August).

Roughly four weeks later would be the Great Sign of Rev 12:1-2 (9-23-2017) as some believe (and I do).

The eclipse I remember well. Spectacular!

I got lucky to capture such a great shot of it in great weather and in totality only 9 miles from Sparta, TN.

A lot of coincidences with the first one of Aug 21, 2017. Much meaning attributed to it and this new one  early next year, because of their crossing paths over the USA making an X above the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ).

I still have some of the graphics from back then...



Interestingly enough as of late there has been increased activity in the NMSZ.

The timing is interesting and noticeably the shape over time looks like an X in the process of being written in the strokes and direction of the Eclipses...

And the state of the USA now even, from 6 years ago, is of note also if you consider these things as warnings for Gentile nations. We were in bad shape already even back then. Life has pulled a paradigm shift in the last 6 years NO ONE saw coming...

Now I have a very open mind to this by way of  (Genesis 1:14), yet I will not presume to interpret what this really means in the end. God has and will use natural events to get our attention.

Certainly though, if it is a warning, the USA has overall not listened or taking steps to get out from under it.

I think about (Zechariah 12:3) and the attempt to divide Jerusalem. And the USA has unfortunately played a big part in that with the attempt of a "Two State Solution".

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

A massive earthquake certainly is a way of cutting up a nation, and what about the activity at Yellowstone? If either or both go catastrophically, the USA becomes uninhabitable almost instantly reminiscent of Babylon of Jeremiah 50 & 51, or Damascus of Jeremiah 49.

With all the things coming this September of 2023 with Agenda 2030 and SDGs summit, the Deal of the Century to divide Jerusalem and Israel, the Abraham Accords, the Ezekiel 38-39 setup in everyone's face, with Isaiah 17/Jeremiah 49 on the brink of fulfillment, and everyone crying for "Peace and Security (Safety)", earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, threats of wars, the sun misbehaving more and more in strength... may be that many of us won't even be around for the eclipse. That is a wonderful thought.

Yep. I'm referring to that dreaded topic for some, called the Pre-Trib rapture of the body of Christ known also known as the Church which consists of true believers, the ones with a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, God in the flesh, and the only name under heaven by which one is saved to eternal life.

Simply put. The goal is not eternal life in the flesh as we live now, in a corrupted and fallen state. There's something better waiting for those who will choose it, choose life!

Time is running short folks... ❤️

Be there, be square (with God), and don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]


  1. Thank you for explaining this, very impressed. I sincerely hope the chuch is gone by then. You said America wd be uninhabitable...would most of the population be forced to flee or killed

    1. Bare in mind I am not predicting anything here, nor presume to.

      If it were catastrophic eruption or earthquake, and especially both, there would be little or no warning. Many would naturally be killed in the event, and the rest alive would need to flee if they could. There would be a larger survivor percentage from a large earthquake than there would be for a Super Volcano like Yellowstone.

      Yellowstone specifically would be a case how big the eruption is. With Yellowstone, you may deal with only minor eruptions from the crater rim, or some singular location within the Caldera. This would not impact much more than any typical eruption on the scale of Mount St Helens or Pinatubo for example, which are powerful enough to wreak havoc in their own rights.

      If it were a total eruption in which magma chamber pressure is released as steam eruptions around the rim all at once and from cracks in the caldera floor, the subsequent eruption would be that of the whole (valley sized) caldera floor collapsing into the now mostly vacant Magma chamber, casting material into the sky and all over likely 2/3rd's of the country. A massively open gaping wound belching caustic material and darkening the skies for years. The blast waves, pyroclastic flows and ash fall would eliminate most nearby states, and choke to death those further away.

      The whole earth would be impacted over time as dimming of the sun, ruined agriculture, and impact to all kinds of life by way of less light, less warmth, and toxicity of air quality increased.

      The church simply won't be here for that scale of chaos.

    2. Thank you very much, that's pretty terrifying . Thank you for your honesty, no time left to beat about the bush
      Like you I have loved ones who may well be here after the rapture very grateful we will be gone but need to keep praying for those I love to come to faith
