Sunday, July 30, 2023

UPDATE: Aleph Tav? - Great American & Annular Eclipses of 2017, 2023, and 2024

First, the source of this idea comes from Chad Thomas [ Watchman On The Wall 88 ] on Youtube.

      Credit - Michael Zeiler,

Once again an idea of possible significance comes from the two Great American Eclipses of 2017 and 2024, and the October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse this year.

So a bit of  rehash. I had remarked in my last blog post about how; "...noticeably the shape over time looks like an X in the process of being written in the strokes and direction of the Eclipses". 

If you look at the NMSZ active fault map it looks like an X (or cross + or Tav) being drawn in progress (with a hand) with the direction of the shadow passes of totality of the two Great American Eclipses.

When modern people see an X, many immediately think of  "X marks the spot". This very old idiom usually refers to a map with an x to show a location for something buried.

These two things alone are interesting and ironic, as we are using a map for geophysical location of the crossing of two eclipses, and the apparent X, shows up both as the crossing of paths as well as an incomplete X, for the Active Fault regions.

The incompleteness of it further implies "in progress" as though someone is writing the X over time. The 2017 leg of the X being complete, while the 2024 leg of the X, is half way there.

The second Irony is that it is indeed a buried feature, marked by a celestial mapping event.

Chad Thomas posted a video about how the two Great American Eclipses make both a Phoenician Tav (Mark, Cross, X, Plus symbol) at the junction of the two Total Eclipses as well as a Phoenician Aleph symbol with the overall map of the paths of the three eclipses together. The two symbols in question are:

Looking at the map posted above of all three Eclipses which includes the October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse, you get a perfect Phoenician Aleph symbol across the whole nation of the United States, of which the first and last eclipse of the set (Great American total Eclipses) make the Phoenician Tav symbol.

The irony is astounding! First and last, Aleph and Tav (In the Greek as Alpha and Omega). Most should understand the meaning there.

If God has to write it down for us in front of our faces, what better example could we expect?

So... the natural question is of course what to expect? Glad you asked...

Why... His soon coming of course... :)  But seriously...

Again I return to (Zechariah 12:3), and the USA's consistent push for the two state solution for peace and to divide Jerusalem over the decades.

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

The New Madrid Seismic Zone is long overdue for a major movement event, since the last series of 7-8 magnitude earthquakes of 1811-1812. The whole area around it is way more populated than at that time.

If major events like those of 1811-1812 were to occur now, the devastation would be orders of magnitude above the damage seen then, and it is not hard to visualize the whole area of quite a few states of the USA as being "Cut to Pieces".

The days and months ahead will reveal themselves in due time.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]


  1. Thank you very interesting.

  2. Good stuff Jack. I’m enjoying your blog.
