Sunday, July 30, 2023

UPDATE: Aleph Tav? - Great American & Annular Eclipses of 2017, 2023, and 2024

First, the source of this idea comes from Chad Thomas [ Watchman On The Wall 88 ] on Youtube.

      Credit - Michael Zeiler,

Once again an idea of possible significance comes from the two Great American Eclipses of 2017 and 2024, and the October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse this year.

So a bit of  rehash. I had remarked in my last blog post about how; "...noticeably the shape over time looks like an X in the process of being written in the strokes and direction of the Eclipses". 

If you look at the NMSZ active fault map it looks like an X (or cross + or Tav) being drawn in progress (with a hand) with the direction of the shadow passes of totality of the two Great American Eclipses.

When modern people see an X, many immediately think of  "X marks the spot". This very old idiom usually refers to a map with an x to show a location for something buried.

These two things alone are interesting and ironic, as we are using a map for geophysical location of the crossing of two eclipses, and the apparent X, shows up both as the crossing of paths as well as an incomplete X, for the Active Fault regions.

The incompleteness of it further implies "in progress" as though someone is writing the X over time. The 2017 leg of the X being complete, while the 2024 leg of the X, is half way there.

The second Irony is that it is indeed a buried feature, marked by a celestial mapping event.

Chad Thomas posted a video about how the two Great American Eclipses make both a Phoenician Tav (Mark, Cross, X, Plus symbol) at the junction of the two Total Eclipses as well as a Phoenician Aleph symbol with the overall map of the paths of the three eclipses together. The two symbols in question are:

Looking at the map posted above of all three Eclipses which includes the October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse, you get a perfect Phoenician Aleph symbol across the whole nation of the United States, of which the first and last eclipse of the set (Great American total Eclipses) make the Phoenician Tav symbol.

The irony is astounding! First and last, Aleph and Tav (In the Greek as Alpha and Omega). Most should understand the meaning there.

If God has to write it down for us in front of our faces, what better example could we expect?

So... the natural question is of course what to expect? Glad you asked...

Why... His soon coming of course... :)  But seriously...

Again I return to (Zechariah 12:3), and the USA's consistent push for the two state solution for peace and to divide Jerusalem over the decades.

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

The New Madrid Seismic Zone is long overdue for a major movement event, since the last series of 7-8 magnitude earthquakes of 1811-1812. The whole area around it is way more populated than at that time.

If major events like those of 1811-1812 were to occur now, the devastation would be orders of magnitude above the damage seen then, and it is not hard to visualize the whole area of quite a few states of the USA as being "Cut to Pieces".

The days and months ahead will reveal themselves in due time.

Don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Saturday, July 29, 2023

2nd Great American Eclipse of the decade

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean.

Interactive map - NASA - April 8, 2024 Eclipse

For more info about it, go here.

This will be the bookend closing eclipse of the set, the first being the one back in August 21, 2017. 

Y'all remember that one don't you? It was only 6 years ago next month (August).

Roughly four weeks later would be the Great Sign of Rev 12:1-2 (9-23-2017) as some believe (and I do).

The eclipse I remember well. Spectacular!

I got lucky to capture such a great shot of it in great weather and in totality only 9 miles from Sparta, TN.

A lot of coincidences with the first one of Aug 21, 2017. Much meaning attributed to it and this new one  early next year, because of their crossing paths over the USA making an X above the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ).

I still have some of the graphics from back then...



Interestingly enough as of late there has been increased activity in the NMSZ.

The timing is interesting and noticeably the shape over time looks like an X in the process of being written in the strokes and direction of the Eclipses...

And the state of the USA now even, from 6 years ago, is of note also if you consider these things as warnings for Gentile nations. We were in bad shape already even back then. Life has pulled a paradigm shift in the last 6 years NO ONE saw coming...

Now I have a very open mind to this by way of  (Genesis 1:14), yet I will not presume to interpret what this really means in the end. God has and will use natural events to get our attention.

Certainly though, if it is a warning, the USA has overall not listened or taking steps to get out from under it.

I think about (Zechariah 12:3) and the attempt to divide Jerusalem. And the USA has unfortunately played a big part in that with the attempt of a "Two State Solution".

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

A massive earthquake certainly is a way of cutting up a nation, and what about the activity at Yellowstone? If either or both go catastrophically, the USA becomes uninhabitable almost instantly reminiscent of Babylon of Jeremiah 50 & 51, or Damascus of Jeremiah 49.

With all the things coming this September of 2023 with Agenda 2030 and SDGs summit, the Deal of the Century to divide Jerusalem and Israel, the Abraham Accords, the Ezekiel 38-39 setup in everyone's face, with Isaiah 17/Jeremiah 49 on the brink of fulfillment, and everyone crying for "Peace and Security (Safety)", earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, threats of wars, the sun misbehaving more and more in strength... may be that many of us won't even be around for the eclipse. That is a wonderful thought.

Yep. I'm referring to that dreaded topic for some, called the Pre-Trib rapture of the body of Christ known also known as the Church which consists of true believers, the ones with a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, God in the flesh, and the only name under heaven by which one is saved to eternal life.

Simply put. The goal is not eternal life in the flesh as we live now, in a corrupted and fallen state. There's something better waiting for those who will choose it, choose life!

Time is running short folks... ❤️

Be there, be square (with God), and don't be a grape. 🚫 🍇

🦊 Jack [ The Foxman on the Wall ]

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Times of the Signs

If you know me at all, you know I can't resist Fox related stuff.

Lamentations 5:17-18

Because of this, our hearts are faint; because of these, our eyes grow dim—because of Mount Zion, which lies desolate, patrolled by foxes.

Lamentations 5:18 is fulfilled, so now many look to Zechariah about the new Temple to be built.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Relevant then, relevant now...

M3rrilee 🌺 , a friend of mine, posted today on MeWe, a proxy of a post from Facebook some 3 years ago (in 2020). This would be, if you remember, from the height of the crazy days of Covid-19 pandemonium 😷 ensuing around the world.

I thought it fitting with her permission to post it here right after my Undertow article. As the title says, it was relevant then in 2020, and it's even more relevant now here in 2023.

We live in an increasingly evil world, and I can see that the lights are dimming.

Nearly every single portion of “truth“ is tainted with a bit of leaven, and opinions on any given issue are as varied as the sands by the sea. It is wearying.

It is very human of us to embrace our rights and want to cling to them. It should humble us to realize, however, that it is only by God that we have anything that we do. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.

Where is our hope?

• It’s not in country—as much as I wish it were.
• It’s not merely in science, though some science has wonderfully unlocked the marvels of God.
• It’s not in our identity, unless that identity is firmly rooted in Christ, alone.

It comes down to “trust and obey.”

In a world of weak trust and nearly non-existent obedience to God, we have what we have.

Place your trust and plant your hope in Christ, while time is yet on your side.

Earlier I said Pandemonium in relation to Covid-19, I looked up the definition and to my surprise, well... just read the number 2 definition below...  😏

🦊 Jack



  1. A condition or scene of noisy confusion: synonym: noise.
  2. The abode of all the demons or evil spirits; hell: a name invented and used by Milton rather as a proper name than a general term.
  3. Hence Any lawless, disorderly, and noisy place or assemblage.

Saturday, July 22, 2023


As my first new real blog entry, I am going to address my shift in focus, interest, and perception of the world around us, to the calling of Christ in the end times we are now in.

I reference Standing in the Faith, Holding Fast to that Faith, and lastly the Worldly Undertow that tries to drag our feet out from under us to make us stumble or fall from that Faith, because the days are evil and full of deception.

There is a reoccurring theme in the Bible about Standing and Holding Fast which is tied into Patient Endurance and Faith.

It is found in the classic Christian Armor writing of (Ephesians 6:13-14a), to the warning of Christ in (Luke 21:34-36) about the weary heart bogged down in the world, to (Romans 14:4) where Paul levels the playing field of judgment by men as irrelevant, by stating that all who belong to Christ will stand before Him (Stand before the [Son of Man] His kinsman redeemer title) regardless of what anyone thinks or feels, because Christ is able to make them Stand.

This reference in Romans 14 is no less than the BEMA seat judgment of Christ itself, in (1 Cor 3:10-15), where all who stand here before Him, must be redeemed fully at this time and place to even be able to stand here. This is no earthly location.

The antithesis of this of course, is the evil one, his lies, his deception, and his distractions of the world, pulling out the ground from underneath your sure footing and stance.

It is perhaps fitting then, that I chose the term Undertow be used here for the title, since in biblical terms, the noun of Sea(s) is often used to represent multitudes of people in Prophetic scripture. A good example is Rev 13 where, standing on, and viewing from, the shore of the Sea, the first beast rises out of the Sea. This Sea, is the peoples and nations of earth.

Undertow is a term often interchanged with Rip Tide and Rip Current, but they are not the same things, though You will find that Undertow is often a result of a Rip Current. A Rip Current is one that is below a Surface Current going in another direction, where Undertow is the action on an object within those currents.

The classic example is standing with your feet on a sandy beach as the waves crash on the shore, and the water and sand under your feat are going the opposite way, out to sea.

We can carry this concept over into the spiritual sense of the state of affairs in the world now in these last hours of the end times.

The end times are defined and marked by some major things in Bible Prophecy, some of which are:

  • Pride
  • Narcissism (the self will and idolatry of self)
  • Hypocrisy
  • Lies
  • Deception

All these and more, lead to distraction, and it is this distraction that I consider the Undertow of the World.

Two consistent phrases are used often in relation to the quality of Faith of the Grace Age Christian believer in the New Testament.

  • (to) Stand / Stand Firm / Stand Fast

    1.  assume or maintain an upright position
    2.  a firm, fixed, or settled position (literally and figuratively)

  • Hold Fast

    1. to Hold Fast to (cling to, retain, be rigid in, or guard) a principle or idea, to Stand Fast/Firm in a position or belief, to not change one's mind, even though others try to persuade otherwise.
    2. a root like part by which an organism (such as Kelp, Sea Lilies, Vines) clings to a substrate or rock.

Obviously they both pretty much speak of the same thing, that death grip on the Faith of Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Paul often talks about some aspect of Standing in the Faith in his epistles, because it describes the quality of faith that should be compared to the world and it's lack of it. They are diametrically opposed, as should be expected.

You either Stand Firm and immovable in your Faith, Holding Fast to that Faith and our Lord for your very survival, or you stumble and fall victim to the world and the flesh, forever sliding down the hill into the abyss.

This Faith is tested in the quiet and dark gloomy hours of trials where uncertainty and doubt loom in the shadows.

Thankfully, overcoming the world comes by our Faith in Christ (1 John 5:4-5). Christ has overcome the world, and His victory is sufficient. We share in that Victory by reason of His gift that is sealed in us at salvation. This is the reason for His command to endure patiently. We need only trust and believe in Him.

The quintessential question then for anyone to themselves, but most especially a believer, is What are you holding fast to?

In recent years I have dropped interest in a lot of things. Spiritually I have just come to really realize how distracted I have been lately.

I also am my own worst enemy trying to fight off the self centeredness that comes with my illnesses, or the loss of my beloved pets, where on many days, I sit around because I can't do much else. It tests your faith, tests your character, and tests your commitment to God.

Affliction is used to slap you up side the head and wake you up for your watch on the wall. And it is also that fire that cleanses the underbrush of our lives.

I had become a bit lost in endless insane politics that hold no promise in reality, worn out and clasping my ears from the relentless broadcast of digital media sewage of putrid and insane opinions and expectations, falling prey to reactive endless word struggles with someone who only wishes to force others into a conformity that has no part in true meaning of scripture, spinning knobby tires and flinging mud on everyone in proximity, lamenting the past of my life, fermenting on the "what could have been" with my family relations... I've been running for the woods both in the physical and literal, as well as the spiritual need of solitude, like Elijah to the wilderness from Jezebel. All the things that waste the hours and minutes of our lives...

How did I get here to this point? I was doing so good for a long time... It's like the Sleep Walker who wakes just before they are about to step off the roof.

It's that Worldly Undertow, pulling at our feet. We get lulled into the dimness of the room of routines, distractions, and passions, subjugated by Fear, Obligation, and Guilt, like a dog watching the hand of the man with the beating stick, terrified and waiting for the pain.

This is not how we were meant to live.

The adversary comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Steal your Joy, Kill your Faith, and Destroy you, by insidiously using you, against yourself. The punk is a crafty one, convincing us that we have already lost before we ever raise the weapon of the Word.

So I return to reflection and faith. I return to the Word. The very thing the enemy doesn't want you to know or remember you have. I see the Church of Philadelphia and the commendation by Christ for this church.

They had little strength, yet their strength was the long haul steadfastness of patiently enduring all things and yet still keeping His word, and by so doing not denying His name, for He is the Word.

And their reward! Escape! If they think they were under pressure, pressed in on all sides, afflicted... They escape the real horrors coming. No sane person would want to be here for it.

Is Faith then, after all, Faith the size of a mustard seed, so hard a thing to have and to hold, for better or for worse? Do we remember whom our Bridegroom is? His burden is light.

I am once again encouraged and ready to Stand Firmly on and Hold Fast to my Faith. To keep my focus on Him as my trust and my hope is in Him. He is faithful even when I am not and have stumbled yet again.

I remember His word, No one that calls upon Him will be made to be ashamed...

Stand Firm then...

🦊 Jack

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Initial Blog Introduction

JackN 🦊 Foxman On The Wall

This will be, and is, the home of my blog called [ Stand Firm Then... ], referencing the beginning of (Ephesians 6:14), where Paul, after describing the pieces of the Christian believer's armor and meaning, tells us to suit up and stand your ground in it.

"and having done all to stand. Stand firm then..."

So, I must first say a big thank you the Greg Lauer of A Little Strength for his help by putting up with some questions about how he does articles on his website, as well as on through blogger to which he answered most graciously.

Come to find out I had an account here from 2017 through Google that I must have started and then dropped by the way side. To be fair, a lot has happened in these 6 years since, both personally and physically.

I'm at a point now after all this where I can spend some time again seriously with internet posting of articles and topics near and dear to me. I have been active enough on some forums and in MeWe, but I needed a centralized soap box of sorts, and this serves nicely.

As we approach the last hours of the last days of history I feel compelled to speak on some things in relation to the faith and the true Gospel of Christ Jesus.

I am aware that commenting is active on this blog, and that there will be some who wish to take me to task on maybe everything I will say in my posts.

- First I will say I do not engage arguments.

- Second I will also say that I do not intend to be active in reading, or to respond to comments. So if I never respond to you, know that it is nothing personal. I have limited time as it is. This does not mean I won't however if time permits me and I see something I just can't pass up. :)

In the coming days and weeks I will be trying to flesh out this blog with profile info and posts, so bare with me for a bit.

And thank you in advance for coming here to read my posts.

Sebastian and I appreciate it. :)

🦊 Jack


📩 I have been asked about this enough, to warrant creating this addendum about commenting on Blogger. So here it is... 🔨🔧

Also, I now have the follow links working, as well as the eMail Subscribe form and service working.

  On the Blogger site here, you can comment in one of 3 ways.

1. If you are logged in to your Google or Blogger account, it will default to that setting as author of the comment. And you can just type a comment and publish it.

2. If you are not logged in as above, you have two options to comment without having to log in.

• Blogger will default to Anonymous.

3. You also have the choice to choose a comment author Name , and optionally a URL as well (like a home page link etc.)

Choose Name / URL

Choose a Posting name for your comment, and if you wish a URL to link from it.

And finally type your comment, and then click Publish, which in this example produces the following:

And there you go... Please be gentle, and understand I can and will delete offensive and abusive comments.

And as Gary and Jeff would say...



🚫 🍇

be a Grape